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Monday, August 16, 2010

Universal Life Church

Since I started writing, I have two reasons why I write. The first is I feel something deep in my spirit that drives me to type it all out. There are other times I write as a discipline. I sit down and just think of a word that describes an event or experience I have had. I started this as a discipline, but I finish having found the lesson in the following.



There is a downside to pretty weather. We have been enjoying the wonderful cool and dry weather here in Mississippi. For close to a month we have not had any substantial rain after what seemed to be three months of stormy weather. I have enjoyed everyday that a shining sun has greeted me. Yesterday evening I was in my front yard and I noticed all my shrubs and ivy were drooping. I have a flowering shrub on the side of the house that has been progressing in this droopy look. I know it must be that I am just slow for I never connected the drooping plants to the fact we have had no rain. I was saying to my wife, "I wonder what is wrong with all these plants?" I looked down at my shoes with dust all over them and it was a great eureka moment?. they are dry.

Just a month ago I was bragging about how beautiful my grass looks, and now it is starting to look very dry. This morning I arose and pulled out my water hose and began to water my thirsty plants and reflected on my own life. In seasons when things are going well, the danger we all face is dryness. It is hard to diagnose your problem, because you can check off where you pray and attend church, however over time, if you don't recognize the problem, you will face the reality that your spirit life has dried up.

I suppose I can relate to some degree to my azalea bush, St. Augustine Grass, Nandinas, and the other plans that live in my yard. Living is not enough to stay alive. Surviving is not enough to survive. Just as I realized the investment I had in all these plants was about to disappear, it is possible to allow pretty weather to lull us into thinking everything is fine.

Later this morning as I turned my attention to my wife's very dirty van, I began to apply the warm sudsy water and scrub the dirty rims, I realize this is what we all need to do in our spiritual life. We need to make a little extra effort to be sure the foliage of our faith does not droop or the blooms on our hope do not fall away.

I am in awe at what God has done around me in the past nine months. It is like nothing I would have expected. From moving, to our first services in Clinton and the wonderful experiences and people along the way, I want to be sure I make the extra effort to keep everything well watered.

Storms bring rain and in spite of the boisterous thunder and blinding lighting, there is a forgotten element that is the blessing of the storm. Our lives, harvest, hope and spirit receives rain from heaven. It opens our spirit to drink in the rain and hope for a day when the sun is shinning. My little message today is admonition to all of us.

If you're in a storm, the precipitation is watering your promise. If your in the middle of a fulfilled prophecy, be thankful and take the steps to be sure you are getting what you need to keep your spirit properly watered.

I am thankful I could take a deep drink from that Fountain today, to see the wonderful hand of the shepherd leading me beside the still water this morning as he used the condition of my yard to be a parable that ministered to my heart.

May you drink deeply of His Spirit today!

In Him, By Him, Through Him,

Scott Phillips

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